Aug 192016

It’s been a long time…  And by long, I mean very long.  I’ve finished at UCI, started a job hunt, given up on Debian and enlightenment, moved on from apache, and studied python.  Soon, I’ll be replacing this site with a new one.  I’ve got to migrate all the content over…  but the new one isn’t based on WordPress anymore.  It’s managed through git.  Yes, that’s right.  An entire CMS that lets you manage content, push posts, etc.  all through git with no web administration.  WTF?  I’ll share more news soon.  The fun parts are back-end integration.  As yet, it’s not the simplest to get set up..  but this is for managing a large number of mostly static sites.  I’ve got two problems left to solve, then It’ll be done.  In the mean time, if you’ve any information for me on the following topics, please feel free to comment:

  • How to quickly get the last reference that references a file in a branch in git…  Without access to the git cli, using only native PHP code.
  • How to run code on an AWS instance in response to a CodeCommit push. Current solution is to use SNS -> SQS -> python listener, but that’s not very robust…

If you want a preview of the new site, check out

Aug 052012

What do you run on your website?  Do you have a LAMP stack?  That’s Linux, Apache, MySQL and P{HP,erl,ython} for the uninitiated.  I normally run a LAP/LM app stack duo.  This allows me to separate the MySQL database from the web stack, and use it for other purposes as well.  I include such services as xbmc and MS Access/Libre Office Database as MySQL clients as well.  It makes sense to isolate the MySQL server.

There are also several web servers, or LAP stacks in my home.  I keep one instance for my production site (this page here), and a handful of others for testing and development.  They all share the same LM stack.

Recently I was required to produce a WIMP stack, that’s Windows, IIS, MySQL, and php, for development purposes.  The architecture is almost completely different, but it’s now using my LM stack for database as well.

There are a few things to consider when you’re deciding between a single LAMP stack (or multiple LAMP stacks) and a LAP/LM stack.

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